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Sage 100 Contractor 3-6 Client Locations


Import Client Locations directly into Sage 100 Contractor. Simply download your client locations into Excel, review and apply client location information and import directly into Sage 100 Contractor 3-6 Client Locations.

Are you tired of manually keying in Client Locations one by one into Sage 100 Contractor? Would you rather download your client locations, fill in the blanks in Excel and import the details directly into Sage 100 Contractor? The following integration template allows you to do just that. It mimics every feature and function of the 3-6 Client Locations data entry form.

Key Features:

Import Template Download:

Import File Layout:

HeaderReferenceData TypeTabExampleDescription
recnumRequired **NumericLocations123Client No
locnumRequiredNumericLocationsLocation No
locnmeRequired (I)String (50)Locationsjdoe@gmail.comLocation Name
addrs1String (50)LocationsAddress 1
addrs2String (50)LocationsAddress 2
ctynmeString (50)LocationsCity
state_String (2)LocationsState
zipcdeString (10)LocationsZipcode
phnnumString (14)LocationsPhone
contctString (50)LocationsContact
srvgeo**NumericLocationsService Area
maplocString (10)LocationsMap Location
crsstrString (50)LocationsCross Street
taxdst**NumericLocationsTax District
usrdf1String (50)LocationsUser Defined

Required(I) - required for Inserts only
** Validated Field - value must exist in the respective lookup table in Sage 100 Contractor

File Example:
ARCLLOC,123,1,"Location 1","111 Blueberry St.","","Carson","CA","92526","","",,"","",,"",""
ARCLLOC,123,2,"Location 2","222 Curry Ln","","Oakland","CA","92687","","",,"","",,"",""
ARCLLOC,123,3,"Location 3","333 Fairmore St.","","Fairmore","CA","92102","","",,"","",,"",""


System Requirements:

Requires the Sage 100 Contractor Data Integration Suite