Company Info

Sage 100 Contractor 3-6 Clients


Import Clients directly into Sage 100 Contractor. Simply download your clients into Excel, review and apply client information and import directly into Sage 100 Contractor 3-6 Clients.

Are you tired of manually keying in Clients one by one into Sage 100 Contractor? Would you rather download your clients, fill in the blanks in Excel and import the details directly into Sage 100 Contractor? The following integration template allows you to do just that. It mimics every feature and function of the 3-6 Clients data entry form.

Key Features:

Import Template Download:

Import File Layout:

FieldReferenceData TypeTabExampleDescription
filetypeRequiredARCLARCL(File Type Code)
recnumRequiredNumericHeaderClient Number
clnnmeRequired(I)String (75)HeaderFull Client Name
shtnmeRequired(I)String (30)HeaderShort Name
statusRequired(I) **NumericHeader1Status
clntyp**NumericHeaderClient Type
addrs1String (50)GeneralGeneral Addr 1
addrs2String (50)GeneralGeneral Addr 2
ctynmeString (50)GeneralGeneral City
state_String (2)GeneralGeneral State
zipcdeString (10)GeneralGeneral Zip
taxdst**NumericGeneralTax District
duetrmString (5)General##DY,##TH or ##MODue Terms
dsctrmString (5)General##DY,##TH or ##MODiscount Terms
dscrteNumeric (3,2)General2.00Discount Rate
finrteNumeric (3,2)General2.00Finance Rate
crsstrString (50)GeneralCross Street
maplocString (10)GeneralMap Location
bilad1String (50)OtherBilling Addr 1
bilad2String (50)OtherBilling Addr 2
bilctyString (50)OtherBilling City
bilsteString (2)OtherBilling State
bilzipString (10)OtherBilling Zip
shpad1String (50)OtherShipping Addr 1
shpad2String (50)OtherShipping Addr 2
shpctyString (50)OtherShipping City
shpsteString (2)OtherShipping State
shpzipString (10)OtherShipping Zip
stmemlString (75)OtherStatement Email
bilbas**NumericBilling1=Last Cost;2=Avg Cost;3=BillAmtBilling Basis
clndscNumeric (4,2)BillingDiscount
pchnumString (30)BillingPO#
exmnumString (15)BillingSales Tax Exempt#
crdtypString (30)BillingReference 1
crdnum***String (64)Billing[Encrypted Field]Reference 2
crdnmeString (30)BillingReference 3
expdteDateBillingReference Date
nvrvltNumericBilling0=False;1=TrueNever use Sage Exchange Vault
pchdteDateSalesyyyy-mm-ddPurchase Date
dtercvDateSalesyyyy-mm-ddDate Received
cllbckDateSalesyyyy-mm-ddCall Back
refdteDateSalesyyyy-mm-ddReference Date
grtingString (50)SalesGreeting
lstmalString (30)SalesMail Piece
lstdteDateSalesyyyy-mm-ddDate Mailed
prdnum**NumericSalesProduct Type
mallst**NumericSalesMail List
usrdf1String (50)SalesUser Def 1
usrdf2String (50)SalesUser Def 2
usrdf3String (50)SalesUser Def 3
usrdf4String (50)SalesUser Def 4
usrdf5String (50)SalesUser Def 5
usrdf6NumericSales0=False;1=TrueUser Def 6 (Checkbox)
usrdf7NumericSales0=False;1=TrueUser Def 7 (Checkbox)
usrdf8NumericSales0=False;1=TrueUser Def 8 (Checkbox)
usrdf9NumericSales0=False;1=TrueUser Def 9 (Checkbox)

Required(I) - required for Inserts only
** Validated Field - value must exist in the respective lookup table in Sage 100 Contractor
*** Field Encryption - this field is encrypted by default, in order to import a value into this field, Encryption must be turned OFF
    1) Go To 7-1 Company Information
    2) Click Options, then Database Security Encryption
    3) Select "OFF"

File Example:
ARCL,101,"ABC Company","ABC Co",1,"123 Silver Creek","Newport Beach","CA"
ARCL,102,"AJ Construction","AJ Const",1,"34 Dover Shores","Costa Mesa","CA"


System Requirements:

Requires the Sage 100 Contractor Data Integration Suite