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Sage 100 Contractor 5-5-1 Daily Payroll


Import Daily Payroll directly into Sage 100 Contractor. Simply download your daily payroll into Excel, review and apply daily payroll information and import directly into Sage 100 Contractor 5-5-1 Daily Payroll.

Are you tired of manually keying in Daily Payroll one by one into Sage 100 Contractor? Would you rather download your daily payroll, fill in the blanks in Excel and import the details directly into Sage 100 Contractor? The following integration template allows you to do just that. It mimics every feature and function of the 5-5-1 Daily Payroll data entry form.

Key Features:

Import Template Download:

Import File Layout:

FieldReferenceData TypeExampleDescription
filetypeRequiredPRDAILYPRDAILY(File Type Code)
paydteDateyyyy-mm-ddTime Entry Date
empnum**NumericEmployee No
dscrptString (50)Description
wrkord**String (20)Service WO Recnum
jobnum**NumericBlank=derived from Service WOJob No
loctax**NumericLocal Payroll Tax
crtfidString (1)Y=yes;N=no;Blank=derived from JobCertified Payroll
phsnum**NumericPhase No
cstcde**Numeric (12,3)Blank=derived from Service WO type's corresponding Cost CodeCost Code
paytyp**NumericPay Type
paygrp**NumericBlank=derived from EmployeePay Group
payrteNumeric (6,4)Blank=derived from Employee based on pay typePay Rate
payhrsNumeric (5,2)Pay Hours
pcerteNumeric (6,4)Pieces Rate
piecesNumeric (8,2)Pieces Units
cmpcde**NumericBlank=derived from EmployeeWorkers Comp Code
dptmnt**NumericBlank=derived from JobDepartment
eqpnum**NumericEquip Repaired No
opreqp**NumericOperated Equipment
eqpuntNumeric1=Hours; 2=Days; 3=Weeks; 4=Months; 5=MilesEquip Cost Unit Type
oprhrsNumeric (5,2)Equip Operated Cost Units
stdhrsNumeric (5,2)Equip Standby Cost Units
idlhrsNumeric (5,2)Equip Idle Cost Units
blluntNumeric1=Hours; 2=Days; 3=Weeks; 4=Months; 5=MilesEquip Rental Unit Type
oprbllNumeric (6,2)Equip Operated Rental Units
stdbllNumeric (6,2)Equip Standby Rental Units
idlbllNumeric (6,2)Equip Idle Rental Units
usrdf1String (50)User Defined

** Validated Field - value is either restricted to a defined list of values or exists in the fields respective lookup table in Sage 100 Contractor

File Example:
PRDAILY,"2019-06-23",8547,"import time",1,1,20,8,5606
PRDAILY,"2019-06-23",8548,"import time",1,1,20,8,5606


System Requirements:

Requires the Sage 100 Contractor Data Integration Suite