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Sage 100 Contractor 1-2 Deposits and Interest


Import Deposits and Interest directly into Sage 100 Contractor. Simply download your deposits and interest into Excel, review and apply journal transaction information and import directly into Sage 100 Contractor 1-2 Deposits and Interest.

Are you tired of manually keying in Deposits and Interest one by one into Sage 100 Contractor? Would you rather download your deposits and interest, fill in the blanks in Excel and import the details directly into Sage 100 Contractor? The following integration template allows you to do just that. It mimics every feature and function of the 1-2 Deposits and Interest data entry form.

Key Features:

Import Template Download:

Import File Layout:

Header Layout
ColumnReferenceData TypeTabExampleDescription
COL1RequiredGLDI(File Type Code)
COL2RequiredH(Header Record)
COL3RequiredString (20)Header123456Deposit Number
COL4RequireddateHeader2023-01-05Transaction Date
COL5Required **NumericHeader1000Ledger Account Recnum
COL6RequiredString (50)HeaderTest DescriptionDescription
COL7RequiredNumericHeader1=Open; 2=ClearedStatus
COL8String (50)HeaderUser Defined 1
COL9String (50)HeaderUser Defined 2

** Validated Field - value must exist in the respective lookup table in Sage 100 Contractor
COL: a placeholder must be provided for each column even if no value is provided

Detail Layout
COL1RequiredGLCBC(File Type Code)
COL2RequiredD(Detail Record)
COL3RequiredString (20)Same as headerJournal Number
COL4Required **NumericDetailLedger Account Recnum
COL5**NumericDetailSub Account Recnum
COL6String (50)DetailLine Description
COL7Numeric (12,2)DetailCredit Amount
COL8String (50)DetailUser Defined 1
COL9String (20)WIP / Direct Exp *Workorder Number
COL10**NumericWIP / Direct Exp *Job Number
COL11**NumericWIP / Direct Exp *Phase Number
COL12String (50)WIP / Direct Exp *Description
COL13**Numeric (15,3)WIP / Direct Exp *Cost Code
COL14**NumericWIP / Direct Exp *1-Material; 2-Labor; 3-Equipment; 4-Subcontract; 5-Other; 6-Utilities; 7-UserDef7; 8-UserDef8; 9-UserDef9Cost Type
COL15TextWIP / Direct Exp *Notes
COL16**NumericEquip Exp **Equip Number
COL17String (50)Equip Exp **Description
COL18**Numeric (15,3)Equip Exp **Cost Code
COL19**NumericEquip Exp **1-Material; 2-Labor; 3-Equipment; 4-Subcontract; 5-Other; 6-Utilities; 7-UserDef7; 8-UserDef8; 9-UserDef9Cost Type
COL20TextEquip Exp **Notes

** Validated Field - value must exist in the respective lookup table in Sage 100 Contractor
COL: a placeholder must be provided for each column even if no value is provided
WIP / Direct Exp * - Required if the lgract (Col 4) is assigned to [3 - WIP Assets] or [13 - Direct Expense] account type
Equip Exp** - Required if the lgract (Col 4) is assigned to [14 - Equip/Shop Expense] account type

File Example:
GLDI,H,13502,2021-12-12,1000,"header description",2,"user def1","user def2","notes"
GLDI,D,13502,2250,1156,"detail description",123,"detail user def 1",,,,,,,,,,,,
GLDI,D,13502,1350,,"detail description jc",456,"detail user def 2",,2017503,,"jc description",5000,1,"jc notes",,,,,
GLDI,D,13502,5602,,"detail description eq",789,"detail user def 3",,,,,,,,1,"eq description",11000,3,"eq notes"

System Requirements:

Requires the Sage 100 Contractor Data Integration Suite