Company Info

Sage 100 Contractor 5-2-1 Employees


Import Employees directly into Sage 100 Contractor. Simply download your employees into Excel, review and apply employee information and import directly into Sage 100 Contractor 5-2-1 Employees.

Are you tired of manually keying in Employees one by one into Sage 100 Contractor? Would you rather download your employees, fill in the blanks in Excel and import the details directly into Sage 100 Contractor? The following integration template allows you to do just that. It mimics every feature and function of the 5-2-1 Employees data entry form.

Key Features:

Import Template Download:

Import File Layout:

HeaderReferenceData TypeTabExampleDescription
filetypeRequiredPREMP PREMP(File Type Code)
recnumRequiredNumericHeaderEmployee No
fstnmeRequired(I)String (50)HeaderFirst Name
lstnmeRequired(I)String (50)HeaderLast Name
statusRequired(I) **NumericHeader1=Current; 2=On leave; 3=Quit; 4=Laid off; 5=Terminated; 6=On probation; 7=Deceased; 8=RetiredStatus
emptypRequired(I) **NumericHuman Resources1=Reg full-time; 2=Reg part-time; 3=Temp full-time; 4=Temp part-timeEmployment Type
genderRequired(I) **NumericHuman Resources1=Male;2=Female;3=NonbinaryGender
wrkcmpRequired(I) **NumericHuman ResourcesWorkers Comp Code
paypstRequired(I) **NumericHuman ResourcesPosition
taxsteRequired(I) **String (2)Human ResourcesCATax State
payprdRequired(I) **NumericCompensation1=Weekly; 2=Bi-weekly; 3=Semi-monthly; 4=Monthly; 5=Quarterly; 6=Semi-annual; 7=AnnualPay Period
ncknmeString (50)HeaderNickname
midiniString (1)HeaderMiddle Initial
admacsNumeric1=yes;0=NoRequire Payroll Admin Access
addrs1String (50)GeneralAddr 1
addrs2String (50)GeneralAddr 2
ctynmeString (50)GeneralCity
state_String (2)GeneralState
zipcdeString (10)GeneralZip
phnnumString (14)GeneralPhone No
pagnumString (14)GeneralPager No
faxnumString (14)GeneralFax No
cllphnString (14)GeneralCell No
homnumString (14)GeneralHome No
e_mailString (75)GeneralEmail
usrdf1String (50)GeneralUser Def 1
usrdf2String (50)GeneralUser Def 2
mrtsts**NumericHuman Resources0=Unassigned; 1=Single; 2=Married; 3=Single with dependents; 4=Married with dependentsBenefit Status
hertge**NumericHuman Resources0=Decline to state; 1=White (not Hispanic/Latino); 2=Black/African American; 3=Hispanic/Latino (any race); 4=Asian; 5=American Indian/Alaska Native; 6=Native hawaiian/Pacific Islander; 7=Two or more racesHeritage
empcmpNumericHuman Resources1=yes;0=NoAlways use employee comp code
uninum**NumericHuman ResourcesUnion
loctax**NumericHuman ResourcesResidence Locale Tax
locwrk**NumericHuman ResourcesWork Locale Tax
soccde**NumericHuman ResourcesStandard Occupation Classification code
socsecString (44)Human Resources[Encrypted Field]Social Security ***
dtebthDateHuman Resourcesyyyy-mm-ddBirth Date
dtehreDateHuman Resourcesyyyy-mm-ddHire Date
dteinaDateHuman Resourcesyyyy-mm-ddInactive Date
lstrseDateHuman Resourcesyyyy-mm-ddLast Raise
i9verf**NumericHuman Resources1=yes;0=NoI-9 verified
crtrpt**NumericHuman Resources1=yes;0=NoExempt from certified reporting
exmovr**NumericHuman Resources1=yes;0=NoExempt from overtime pay
hiract**NumericHuman Resources1=yes;0=NoEligible under HIRE Act of 2010
eeoprx**NumericHuman Resources1=yes;0=NoUse proxy hours for EEO-1 reporting
paycls**NumericCompensation0=Unassigned; 1=Hourly; 2=Shift; 3=Day; 4=Week; 5=Salary; 6=Piece; 7=CommissionPay Classification
payrt1Numeric (6,4)CompensationRegular Hourly Rate
payrt2Numeric (6,4)CompensationOvertime Hourly Rate
payrt3Numeric (6,4)CompensationPremium Hourly Rate
salaryNumeric (10,2)CompensationSalary
comisnNumeric (3,0)CompensationCommission %
advdueNumeric (10,2)CompensationAdvanced Due
accsckNumeric (4,2)CompensationSick Accrued
sckrteNumeric (5,5)CompensationSick Accrual Rate
sckmth**NumericCompensation1-Per period; 2-Per hourSick Accrual Method
sckmaxNumeric (4,2)CompensationSick Accrual Max
sckbegNumeric (10,0)CompensationSick Last Yr Carry Forward
accvacNumeric (4,2)CompensationVacation Accrued
vacrteNumeric (5,5)CompensationVacation Accrual Rate
vacmth**NumericCompensation1-Per period; 2-Per hourVacation Accrual Method
vacmaxNumeric (4,2)CompensationVacation Accrual Max
vacbegNumeric (4,2)CompensationVacation Last Yr Carry Forward
retchkNumericCompensation1=yes;0=NoRetirement Plan
sckchkNumericCompensation1=yes;0=NoThird-Party Sick Pay
w_2elcNumericCompensation1=yes;0=NoConsent for Electronic W-2
dirdepNumericDirect Deposit1=yes;0=NoEnable Direct Deposit
prente**NumericDirect Deposit0=None;1=Prenote;2=10 day wait;3=Active;4=InactiveDir Dep - Status 1
acttyp**NumericDirect Deposit1=Checking;2=SavingsDir Dep - Acct Type 1
rtnmbrString (9)Direct DepositDir Dep - Route No 1
actnumString (64)Direct DepositDir Dep - Acct No 1
rtetyp**NumericDirect Deposit0=None; 1=Dollar amount; 2=Percent of net pay; 3=Remainder of checkDir Dep - Rate Type 1
depamtNumeric (3,0)Direct DepositDir Dep - Amount 1
prent2**NumericDirect Deposit0=None; 1=Prenote; 2=10 day wait; 3=Active; 4=InactiveDir Dep - Status 2
acttp2**NumericDirect Deposit1=Checking;2=SavingsDir Dep - Acct Type 2
rtnmb2String (9)Direct DepositDir Dep - Route No 2
actnm2String (64)Direct DepositDir Dep - Acct No 2
rtetp2**NumericDirect Deposit0=None; 1=Dollar amount; 2=Percent of net pay; 3=Remainder of checkDir Dep - Rate Type 2
dp2amtNumeric (3,0)Direct DepositDir Dep - Amount 2
prent3**NumericDirect Deposit0=None; 1=Prenote; 2=10 day wait; 3=Active; 4=InactiveDir Dep - Status 3
acttp3**NumericDirect Deposit1=Checking;2=SavingsDir Dep - Acct Type 3
rtnmb3String (9)Direct DepositDir Dep - Route No 3
actnm3String (64)Direct DepositDir Dep - Acct No 3
rtetp3**NumericDirect Deposit0=None; 1=Dollar amount; 2=Percent of net pay; 3=Remainder of checkDir Dep - Rate Type 3
dp3amtNumeric (3,0)Direct DepositDir Dep - Amount 3
prent4**NumericDirect Deposit0=None; 1=Prenote; 2=10 day wait; 3=Active; 4=InactiveDir Dep - Status 4
acttp4**NumericDirect Deposit1=Checking;2=SavingsDir Dep - Acct Type 4
rtnmb4String (9)Direct DepositDir Dep - Route No 4
actnm4String (64)Direct DepositDir Dep - Acct No 4
rtetp4**NumericDirect Deposit0=None; 1=Dollar amount; 2=Percent of net pay; 3=Remainder of checkDir Dep - Rate Type 4
dp4amtNumeric (3,0)Direct DepositDir Dep - Amount 4
pyremlString (75)Direct DepositDirect Deposit Email
w4_1_c**NumericW-4 Information0-Not set up; 1-Single or Married Filing separately; 2-Married filing jointly (or Qualifying widow(er)); 3-Head of householdW-4 - Step 1 Personal Information
w4_2_c**NumericW-4 Information1=yes;0=NoW-4 - Step 2 Multiple Jobs or Spouse Works
w4_3__Numeric (10,2)W-4 InformationW-4 - Step 3 Claim Dependants Total Amount
w4_4_aNumeric (10,2)W-4 InformationW-4 - Step 4(a) - Other Income
w4_4_bNumeric (10,2)W-4 InformationW-4 - Step 4(b) - Deductions
w4_4_cNumeric (10,2)W-4 InformationW-4 - Step 4(c) - Extra Witholding
w4_dteDateW-4 Informationyyyy-mm-ddW-4 - Step 5 - Date Signed

Required(I) - required when the action type selected is insert or insert and update
** Validated Field - value is either restricted to a defined list of values or exists in the fields respective lookup table in Sage 100 Contractor
*** Field Encryption - this field is encrypted by default, in order to import a value into this field, Encryption must be turned OFF
1) Go To 7-1 Company Information
2) Click Options, then Database Security Encryption
3) Select "OFF"

File Example:


System Requirements:

Requires the Sage 100 Contractor Data Integration Suite