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Sage 100 Contractor 6-3 Job Costs


Import Job Costs directly into Sage 100 Contractor. Simply download your job costs into Excel, review and apply job cost information and import directly into Sage 100 Contractor 6-3 Job Costs.

Are you tired of manually keying in Job Costs one by one into Sage 100 Contractor? Would you rather download your job costs, fill in the blanks in Excel and import the details directly into Sage 100 Contractor? The following integration template allows you to do just that. It mimics every feature and function of the 6-3 Job Costs data entry form.

Key Features:

Import Template Download:

Import File Layout:

FieldReferenceData TypeTabExampleDescription
filetypeRequiredPJJCHeaderPJJC(File Type Code)
jobnumRequired [*] **NumericHeaderJob Number
trndteRequiredDateHeaderyyyy-mm-ddTransaction Date
actgdteRequiredDateHeaderyyyy-mm-ddAccounting Posting Period
trnnumRequired [*]String(20)HeaderTransaction Number
cstcdeRequired **NumericHeaderCost Code
csttypRequired **NumericHeader1=Material; 2=Labor; 3=Equipment; 4=Subcontract; 5=Other; 6=UDF6; 7=UDF7; 8=UDF8; 9=UDF9Cost Type
cstamtNumeric (9,2)HeaderCost Amount
phsnum[*] **NumericHeaderPhase Number
wrkord**String(20)HeaderWork Order Number
empnum**NumericEmployee / Vendor / EquipmentEmployee Number
paytyp**NumericEmployee / Vendor / EquipmentPay Type
payrec**NumericEmployee / Vendor / EquipmentPay Record Number
csthrsNumeric (5,2)Employee / Vendor / EquipmentHours
piecesNumeric (9,2)Employee / Vendor / EquipmentPieces
grswgeNumeric (9,2)Employee / Vendor / EquipmentGross Wage
vndnum**NumericEmployee / Vendor / EquipmentVendor Number
eqpnum**NumericEmployee / Vendor / EquipmentEquipment Number
eqptyp**NumericEmployee / Vendor / Equipment0-None;1-Operated;2-Standby;3-IdleEquipment Type
eqpunt**NumericEmployee / Vendor / Equipment0-None;1-Hours;2-Days;3-Weeks;4-Months;5-MilesEquipment Unit
eqpqtyNumeric (5,2)Employee / Vendor / EquipmentEquipment Quantity
bllstsRequired **NumericTime and Materials Billing1-Open;2-Not Billable;3-BilledBilling Status
blgunt**NumericTime and Materials Billing0-None;1-Hours;2-Days;3-Weeks;4-Months;5-Miles;6-Mobilization;7-Not BillableBilling Equipment Unit
blgqtyNumeric (5,2)Time and Materials BillingBilling Quantity
blgamt(1)Numeric (9,2)Time and Materials BillingBilling Amount
ovrrdeNumericTime and Materials Billing1=Yes;0=NoOverride Billing Amount
taxablNumericTime and Materials Billing1=Yes;0=NoSubject to Sales Tax

[*] Key Fields - the combination of theses fields must be unique
** Validated Field - value must exist in the respective lookup table in Sage 100 Contractor
(1) Override Billing Amount (ovrrde) must be set to 1 in order to set Billing Amount (blgamt)

File Example:
PJJC,150,2020-10-05,2020-10-05,"Medtronics description","ABC123b",3030.000,1,3000.00,0,"123",6,1,54,10.00,15.00,10.00,9,19102,1,1,17.00,1,1,10.00,3000.00,1,1


System Requirements

Requires the Sage 100 Contractor Data Integration Suite