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Sage 100 Contractor 4-2 Payable Invoices / Credits


Import Payable Invoices / Credits directly into Sage 100 Contractor. Simply download your payable invoices / credits into Excel, review and apply payable invoice information and import directly into Sage 100 Contractor 4-2 Payable Invoices / Credits.

Are you tired of manually keying in Payable Invoices / Credits one by one into Sage 100 Contractor? Would you rather download your payable invoices / credits, fill in the blanks in Excel and import the details directly into Sage 100 Contractor? The following integration template allows you to do just that. It mimics every feature and function of the 4-2 Payable Invoices / Credits data entry form.

Key Features:

Import Template Download:

Import File Layout:

HeaderReferenceData TypeTabExampleDescription
COL1RequiredString (5)ImportAPINV(File Type Code)
COL2RequiredString (1)ImportH(Line Type Code)
COL3RequiredString (20)HeaderInvoice No
COL4Required **NumericHeaderVendor No
COL5RequiredString (50)HeaderInvoice Desc
COL6RequiredDateHeaderyyyy-mm-ddInvoice Date
COL7Required (1)DateHeaderyyyy-mm-ddDue Date
COL8Required (1)DateHeaderyyyy-mm-ddDiscount Date
COL9Required ** (2)NumericHeader1-Open, 2-Review, 3-Dispute, 4-PaidStatus
COL10Required **NumericHeader1-Contract,2-MemoInvoice Type
COL11** (3)String (20)HeaderPurchase Order No
COL12** (3)String (20)HeaderSubcontract No
COL13** (4)NumericHeaderJob No
COL14** (4)NumericHeaderPhase No
COL15String (20)HeaderShip No
COL16String (20)HeaderReference No
COL17String (50)HeaderUser Def 1
COL18String (50)HeaderUser Def 2
COL19(5)Numeric (10,2)HeaderDiscount Amt
COL20Numeric (10,2)HeaderRetainage Amt
COL21Numeric (10,2)HeaderSet to Pay Amt
COL22NumericHeader1=Yes;0=NoHot List
COL24(6)NumericDefault=0; 1=Yes; 0=NoAuto close Purchase Order
COL25(7)DatePosting Period

** Validated Field - value must exist in the respective lookup table in Sage 100 Contractor
COL: a placeholder must be provided for each column even if no value is provided
(1) If the Due Date or Discount Date are left blank, then they will be derived from the terms in the Vendor Setup relative to the invoice date. However, if there are no terms in the Vendor Setup then they will be set to the Invoice Date.
(2) If a Status of 4-Paid is entered no ledger transactions will be created for the invoice
(3) Auto Detail: If no "D" records are passed into the file for the respective subcontract or purchase order then the detail line items will be automatically populated based on the existing line items for the PO or Subcontract
(4) If a contract or purchase order number are entered jobnum, phsnum should not be entered and will be ignored
(5) If the Discount Amt is left blank, then it will be derived from the Vendor Setup and applied relative to the invoice amount. Please note if a value of 0 is desired then use 0, as using blank for 0 will not be handled the same.
(6) If the Invoice is coded to a purchase order and the invoice causes the balance of the PO to be less than or equal to zero the purchase order status will be changed automatically to closed
(7) If posting period is left blank then the invoice date will be used as the posting period

Invoice Detail
COL1RequiredString (5)ImportAPINV(File Type Code)
COL2RequiredString (1)ImportD(Line Type Code)
COL3RequiredString (20)Header(Same as header)Invoice No
COL4Required **NumericHeader(Same as header)Vendor No
COL5RequiredString (75)DetailLine Description
COL6(1)NumericDetailContract\PO Line No
COL7**NumericDetailPart No
COL8String (10)DetailUnit of Measure
COL9RequiredNumeric (12,4)DetailQuantity
COL10Required (2)Numeric (15, 6)DetailPrice
COL11Required **NumericDetailExp Account
COL12**NumericDetailExp Sub Account
COL13**NumericDetailInventory Location
COL14String (30)DetailPart Serial No
COL15String (50)DetailUser Def 1

** Validated Field - value must exist in the respective lookup table in Sage 100 Contractor
COL: a placeholder must be provided for each column even if no value is provided
(1) If a contract or purchase order number is entered, the contract line no is required for all lines
(2) Price may not be a negative value. If the line amount is negative you must make the "Quantity" negative

Job Cost Details (Required if a "WIP Asset" or "Direct Expense" account is used on any invoice line item)
COL1RequiredString (5)ImportAPINV(File Type Code)
COL2RequiredString (1)ImportJ(Line Type Code)
COL3RequiredString (20)Header(Same as header)Invoice No
COL4Required **NumericHeader(Same as header)Vendor No
COL5Required **NumericJob CostJob No
COL6**String (20)Job CostWork Order No
COL7RequiredString (50)Job CostDescription
COL8**NumericJob CostPhase No
COL9Required **Numeric (15,3)Job CostCost Code
COL10Required **NumericJob Cost1=Material; 2=Labor; 3=Equipment; 4=Subcontract; 5=Other; 6=Utilities; 7=Purchase Order; 8=Work Order; 9=User Def Type 9Cost Type
COL11RequiredNumeric (12,2)Job CostCost Amount
COL12TextJob CostNotes

** Validated Field - value must exist in the respective lookup table in Sage 100 Contractor
COL: a placeholder must be provided for each column even if no value is provided

Equipment Cost Details (Required if a "Equipment Expense" account is used on any invoice line item)
COL1RequiredString (5)ImportAPINV(File Type Code)
COL2RequiredString (1)ImportE(Line Type Code)
COL3RequiredString (20)Header(Same as header)Invoice No
COL4Required **NumericHeader(Same as header)Vendor No
COL5Required **NumericEquip CostEquip No
COL6RequiredString (50)Equip CostDescription
COL7Required **Numeric (15,3)Equip CostCost Code
COL8Required **NumericEquip Cost1=Material; 2=Labor; 3=Equipment; 4=Subcontract; 5=Other; 6=Utilities; 7=Purchase Order; 8=Work Order; 9=User Def Type 9Cost Type
COL9RequiredNumeric (12,2)Equip CostCost Amount
COL10TextEquip CostNotes

** Validated Field - value must exist in the respective lookup table in Sage 100 Contractor
COL: a placeholder must be provided for each column even if no value is provided

File Example:
APINV,H,"ABC 246",231,"Test AP Inv","7/20/2019","7/20/2019","7/20/2019",1,1,"","",,,"","","","",,,,0,"",,
APINV,D,"ABC 246",231,"Line 1 AP",,,"",1,100,6040,,,"",""
APINV,J,"ABC 246",231,2017008,"","line 1",,2010.000,1,100,""


System Requirements:

Requires the Sage 100 Contractor Data Integration Suite