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Sage 100 Contractor 6-6-1 Purchase Orders


Import Purchase Orders directly into Sage 100 Contractor. Simply download your purchase orders into Excel, review and apply purchase order information and import directly into Sage 100 Contractor 6-6-1 Purchase Orders.

Are you tired of manually keying in Purchase Orders one by one into Sage 100 Contractor? Would you rather download your purchase orders, fill in the blanks in Excel and import the details directly into Sage 100 Contractor? The following integration template allows you to do just that. It mimics every feature and function of the 6-6-1 Purchase Orders data entry form.

Key Features:

Import Template Download:

Import File Layout:

FieldReferenceData TypeTabExampleDescription
filetypeRequiredString (4)PJPO(File Type Code)
linetypeRequiredString (1)HHeader Record
ordnumRequired [*]String (20)HeaderPO Number
vndnumRequired [*] **NumericHeaderVendor No
orddteRequired (I)DateHeaderyyyy-mm-ddPO Date
dscrptRequired (I)String (50)HeaderDescription
statusRequired (I) **NumericHeader1-Open, 2-Review, 3-Dispute, 4-Closed, 5-Void, 6-MasterStatus
ordtyp** (1)NumericHeaderPO Type
attionString (50)HeaderAttention
wrkord** (2)String (20)HeaderWork Order No
jobnum** (2)NumericHeaderJob No
phsnum**NumericHeaderPhase No
eqpmnt**NumericHeaderEquipment No
tsknumNumeric (11,3)HeaderTask No
taxdstNumericHeaderTax District
appdteDateHeaderyyyy-mm-ddApproved Date
schdteDateHeaderyyyy-mm-ddScheduled Date
deldteDateHeaderyyyy-mm-ddDelivery Date
delviaString (60)HeaderVia
ordtrmString (6)Header##DY,##TH or ##MOTerms
odrdby**NumericHeaderOrdered By
addrs1String (50)HeaderAddress 1
addrs2String (50)HeaderAddress 2
ctynmeString (50)HeaderCity
state_String (2)HeaderState
zipcdeString (10)HeaderZip Code
usrdf1String (50)HeaderUser Def 1
usrdf2String (50)HeaderUser Def 2
hotlstNumericHeaderHot List
lckedtNumericHeaderLock Edit

Required (I) - required for Inserts only
[*] Key Fields - the combination of theses fields must be unique
** Validated Field - value must exist in the respective lookup table in Sage 100 Contractor
(1) Leave blank for '0 - None'
(2) If a Work Order No is specified, Job No should be left blank as it will be derived from the Work Order

filetypeRequiredString (4)PJPOPJPO
linetypeRequiredString (1)DDetail Record
ordnumRequired [*]String (20)HeaderPO Number
vndnumRequired [*] **NumericHeaderVendor No
linnum[*] (1)NumericDetail1Line No
prtnum**NumericDetail0Part No
prtdscRequired (I)String (75)DetailLine Description
untdscString (10)DetailUnit of Measure
linqtyNumeric (8,4)DetailQuantity
linprc(2)Numeric (9,6)DetailPrice
currntNumeric (8,4)DetailCurrent
cancelNumeric (8,4)DetailCanceled
cstcde**Numeric (12,3)DetailCost Code
csttyp**NumericDetailCost Type
invloc**NumericDetailInventory Location
usrdf1String (50)DetailUser Defined
taxablString (1)DetailY-Yes, N-No or blankTaxable

Required (I) - required for Inserts only
[*] Key Fields - the combination of theses fields must be unique
** Validated Field - value must exist in the respective lookup table in Sage 100 Contractor
(1) Null/Empty = line no will be automatically derived; Specified line no must be unique based on the Key pair
(2) Price may not be a negative value. If the line amount is negative you must make the "Quantity" negative

File Example:
PJPO,H,"PO 2",231,"2019-07-13","PO Test 2",1,,"","",2017008,,,,,"","","","","",,"","","","","","","",,,""
PJPO,D,"PO 2",231,,,"poline 1","",10,50,75,1,2120.000,1,,1211,,"","","Y"
PJPO,D,"PO 2",231,,,"poline 2","",10,75,20,,,,,,,"","","N"


System Requirements:

Requires the Sage 100 Contractor Data Integration Suite